"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"

Philippians 4:13

Friday, September 13, 2013

Jeff's Prophecy-The Video

The ceremony for Jeff was amazing.  We celebrated who he was and who he will forever be in our hearts.  The turnout for Jeff was more than we expected and truly touching.  We knew he was loved but to see it all in one room really moved us.
I have finally gotten the video uploaded and am thrilled to share his testimony and prophecy with you.  As I explained before, we were camping Up North and this was recorded while he was resting.  You will see and hear him thanking God over and over again in the beginning of the video.  This still moves me to tears hearing a man who is sick with brain cancer thanking God when many others would blame God.  His heart was so pure and full of God's love he radiated it.  He then lifts his hands to praise God, I've edited a lot of the silence out of the video but his hands were raised like that for over 9 minutes.  I've tried this, I cannot do it.  He was so weak and he did it.  I have no doubt that he was not alone in that room...
You will also see him moving his lips but not talking, I believe with all my heart that this is where God is speaking to him.  Right after his silent prayer he begins explaining that he will sleep for ten days, believe and trust in nothing but God for ten days and he says "I will see you then God".  He did just that, exactly ten days after this video was taken he left this earth to take his place in heaven with God. 
Thank you again for all your prayers, love and support during this very difficult time for us.  We miss him so much and always will but knowing where he is and how he is LIVING now brings peace to our hearts.  He will forever be remembered and forever be loved and my hope now is that with his testimony, he can bring that love and peace to many more people!

Also, Jeff's Aunt Kelli looked up the meaning to his name...
Jeffrey = God's Peace


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