"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"

Philippians 4:13

Friday, September 13, 2013

Jeff's Prophecy-The Video

The ceremony for Jeff was amazing.  We celebrated who he was and who he will forever be in our hearts.  The turnout for Jeff was more than we expected and truly touching.  We knew he was loved but to see it all in one room really moved us.
I have finally gotten the video uploaded and am thrilled to share his testimony and prophecy with you.  As I explained before, we were camping Up North and this was recorded while he was resting.  You will see and hear him thanking God over and over again in the beginning of the video.  This still moves me to tears hearing a man who is sick with brain cancer thanking God when many others would blame God.  His heart was so pure and full of God's love he radiated it.  He then lifts his hands to praise God, I've edited a lot of the silence out of the video but his hands were raised like that for over 9 minutes.  I've tried this, I cannot do it.  He was so weak and he did it.  I have no doubt that he was not alone in that room...
You will also see him moving his lips but not talking, I believe with all my heart that this is where God is speaking to him.  Right after his silent prayer he begins explaining that he will sleep for ten days, believe and trust in nothing but God for ten days and he says "I will see you then God".  He did just that, exactly ten days after this video was taken he left this earth to take his place in heaven with God. 
Thank you again for all your prayers, love and support during this very difficult time for us.  We miss him so much and always will but knowing where he is and how he is LIVING now brings peace to our hearts.  He will forever be remembered and forever be loved and my hope now is that with his testimony, he can bring that love and peace to many more people!

Also, Jeff's Aunt Kelli looked up the meaning to his name...
Jeffrey = God's Peace


Monday, September 9, 2013

One Journey Completed, Another Begun...

Our beloved Jeff entered heaven's gates and into the arms of our Lord last night.  He fought the fight and became victorious.  Even though he is no longer with us and we weep for our loss we have comfort in the fact that he is dancing, singing and talking God's ear off in heaven.  This entire week+ we have been by Jeff's side, we played some of his favorite songs and some of ours.  I would like to share the song that has touched us and impacted us the most:

"Dancing In The Sky" Dani & Lizzy

Jeff has been such an inspiration to so many, he always will be.  He was the best Son, Grandson, Brother, Uncle, Cousin, Nephew and Friend we could have ever asked for.  Even in his last good moments with us he was more concerned about how we were, how we felt than he was about himself.  He never complained, never questioned and never became angry about his condition.  He trusted God's plan and that is all that matters. 

When we were camping labor day weekend, Mom had gotten a video monitor to keep an eye on him in the trailer in case he needed help.  On Thursday, August 29 he was lying in the trailer to take a nap.  Through the video monitor we could hear him praying. We found this so inspiring and special we felt we needed to video tape it.  We placed a video camera next to the monitor and what we have on tape will forever change our lives, maybe yours as well.  He was saying "Thank you God" over and over and began talking to God.  He said he was going to sleep for 10 days.  He expressed that in 10 days he would see God.  He counted the days out on his finger and kept expressing that in 10 days he was going to see God.  This was before his trip to the ER that Saturday.  At the time, we honestly didn't think much of it.  We were just so smitten by the amount of love and thanks he gave to God.  Someone who could easily be resentful and angry was so humble and full of love.  A lesson all of us need to take and learn in our everyday lives.  The day Jeff passed, September 8, was exactly 10 days after his prayer.  This is not a coincidence.  God was speaking to Jeff's heart, he knew where and when he was going and he was grateful and excited.  As much as we are grieving for our own loss, we are thankful for his gain.

I am in the process of uploading the video so that Jeff can witness to you as he has us.  We are excited to share Jeff's heartfelt moment.  We are going to miss you so much Jeff, our family and our lives are forever changed.  Until we meet again...

The following is the obituary that will be printed in The Muskegon Chronicle and The Grand Rapids Press:

Mr. Jeffrey J. Rands, age 24, completed his journey when he went to be with his Lord on 09/08/2013 following a 2.5 year battle with brain cancer. Please visit www.jeffsvictoriousjourney.blogspot.com to hear his story. Jeff was born March 9, 1989 to Robert and Patti (Van Spronsen) Rands in Grand Rapids. He was a lifelong resident of W. Michigan. He served with the U.S. Marine Corp. in Iraq. Jeff has continuously brought joy and inspiration to all he has left behind. Jeff is survived by his Mom and Dad; 2 sisters, Kassandra (Justin) Schmidt of Walker and their children Makayla and Dylan; Tonya (Andrew) Ketchum of Muskegon and their future son Colton; grandparents, John and Harriet Van Spronsen of Hudsonville, Ronald Sr. and Dorothy Rands of Jenison; several aunts, uncles, and cousins. THE FUNERAL SERVICE for Jeff will be held at 11:00 AM Thursday, September 12, at The Lee Chapel of Sytsema Funeral Homes, Inc., 6291 S. Harvey St., Norton Shores, 49444, (231) 798-1100, with Pastor Jeremy Wegner officiating. VISITATION at the funeral home will be from 2-4 & 6-8 PM Wednesday, and 1 hour prior to the service on Thursday. You may visit the family’s online guestbook at www.sytsemafh.com Contributions in memory of Jeff may be made to the Poppen Residence of Harbor Hospice.

Friday, September 6, 2013

One Foot In, One Foot Out...

This was sent to Mom from Job, Jeff's awesome nurse in California who became a great friend.

He lies quiet, restless now and then, has one foot here and one foot within.
That bright light calls to him, “son, come on through”, but one side is touched by the loved ones he knew.
He fights for his life so Honest and Pure, but he has fought a good fight and we know there’s no cure.
Loved ones have told him it’s okay to let go, though their hearts say, he can’t, I lo...
ve him so.
Morning's bright light he will see no longer, but heaven's bright light he will hold onto.
The light grows brighter every moment that goes by, and now he sees angels in his glazed over eyes.
When he makes that first step into heaven so bright, he will feel no more pain as he walks into the light.
He feels the Angels as they take his sweet hands, a feeling of peace that he so demands.
Free from all worry, free from all pain, free from all the things that earth could give him.
From Heaven's Gates he now looks down to see us from above, while wearing his crown.
We miss him a lot, though we know it was right, to just let him go and walk into the light.

I will always remember you Jeff.

Your brother and friend
Thank you for those kind words of comfort Job.  You have been amazing and any patient lucky enough to be under your care is truly blessed.
Jeff's condition has changed.  This morning we all woke up to him looking the most peaceful he has since he arrived here.  Then his breathing became a little more labored again.  The doctor came to examine him and he said he found pneumonia starting in his left lung.  This explains the congestion sound we hear when he breathes.  He also had a temperature of 108* this afternoon.  The doctor said that could be due to the pneumonia and it could also be his brain controlling the temperature. 
Jeff's breathing has also changed.  This afternoon his breathing fluctuated.  About every 4 minutes he would stop breathing for 30-45 seconds.  The in between time has decreased over the last hours.  He is becoming closer to letting the foot in this world slip into the light.
At this time we are asking for visitation to be limited to immediate family.  Thank you all for your prayers of peace and comfort. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Our Hero

Yesterday morning they put Jeff on a continuous drip of his Ativan and morphine to keep him most comfortable. He was waking up more often, probably getting used to the amount of medication he was being given. The constant up and down he was going through was obviously wearing him out. He has been much more comfortable since the drip has been placed. He is not really waking up anymore.
 The VA came at 4 o'clock to perform a pinning ceremony.  We notified family to come. It was short and sweet. A uniformed gentleman came into the room, pinned a flagged to his pillow and read a statement thanking him for his service to our country. We are so honored to call Jeff our Marine, our Hero. We then spent some time singing some of Jeff's favorite praise and worship songs to him followed by open prayer. Jeff knew how he was being honored and respected, he would not let go of my hand and would periodically squeeze.
We were again blessed with dinner and refreshments. The support and help has been and is continuing to be,what gets us through. We thank you again!  Last night his color was great, even
better than when we were in Kentucky. His breathing was so low and faint that they could only be counted with a stethoscope. This morning at about 5 am he started breathing very hard and fast. They administered more morphine and when that didn't seem to settle him they put an oxygen tube in his nose. His color and temperature are changing so we are here by his side. He will periodically stop breathing for 30-55 seconds at a time. He will soon be at peace with our Lord. He will be running into Jesus' arms, cancer free and joking just like his old self. These visions is what keeps us going. We just want him to be at peace, no more suffering for our handsome marine. Please pray for his peace, for his comfort.
We are also asking that visiting end at 8pm. We love you all so much but need a couple hours of
down time and private family time. Thank you for your continued prayer and support. With that, I will leave you with some of our favorite Jeff memories!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Holiday Hospital Stay

     Last night Grandma Rands, Aunt Debbie, Aunt Kelli and I stayed at the hospital with Mom and Jeff so Dad could feel comfortable about going home for some much needed rest.  The awesome nurses graciously gave my Mom an empty room down the hall with 2 beds.  We insisted Mom get some rest as well, so Kelli and her went to lay down around 11 or so.  We held down the fort until Kelli came in at about 4:30 to relieve me for some rest as well.  I woke up around 8 and let Mom stay asleep to check on things.  Dad was already there and Mom shortly followed.  Jeff started to wake up and we all comforted him, the nurse came in to ask if we needed her to administer his medication but he had settled and was peaceful at that time.  We asked her to wait, in a matter of minutes he was back up and could again not see or hear.  He became very confused and frustrated.  We prompted the nurse to now give him his meds ASAP and the episode lasted a bit longer.  We have come to the conclusion that every 2 hours, almost on the dot, he needs the medication to keep him calm.  Kelli had done some research and it turns out the sedative he is receiving keeps the swelling in his brain down. This allows his vision and hearing to somewhat return.  However, when it wears off he panics from the lack of hearing and sight. 
     The rest of the day went quite well.  He would sometimes wake up in mid-sedation and see and talk to us.  He looked right at Mom and Dad and said there names and smiled.  He also recognized Grandpa and Grandma! 
     I can not stress to you all how well the nurses and staff have taken care of us.  Jeff's brother-in-law, Justin had asked his night nurse if we could bring Jeff's dog Cody in to help comfort him.  That dog means the world to him.  She said she needed to check with someone first and she would let him know.  His morning nurse came in and said "bring him in"!  Justin brought Cody up and set him by Jeff.  Jeff knew right away he was there and woke up.  He smiled so bright it lit the room.  Cody would come up and lick his face.  It was the sweetest thing!  I know we can thank all the prayers for how well our day went today.  As emotional as it was, we have had some great times with Jeff today.  Just being able to hear him say our names and respond to us, many times in life we take these simple things for granted.  Jeff's niece and nephew came to love on him as well and he lit right up again.  No matter how he has felt, he has always been the strongest for the kids in his life.
We are truly thankful for the amount of love and support we have been surrounded by during this time!
     While typing this blog Tonya called me as she was leaving the hospital.  Jeff was doing even better than before!  His favorite thing to drink has been Strawberry Ensures so the nurse was grabbing him one just before I left this evening.  Apparently he drank 1.5 of them and was over the moon about it.  He was looking and responding to everyone in the room and kept telling Mom "thank you" over and over again!  He said with a big smile and a thumb's up that his "belly was full"!  Here's to another great and peaceful day tomorrow!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

A Fork in the Road

This weekend we joined much of our extended family at the Getaway Up North.  This is an annual gathering and Jeff really wanted to go and see everyone.  Bob and Patti's great friends, Ken and Laurel let them borrow their large trailer to stay in so that Jeff could be more comfortable and private when needed.  This truly was a blessing so a huge shout out to them!  The weekend started great.  He was very happy to see everyone and spend time with the family.  His Aunt Kelli had brought him an old Lazy Boy to sit in by the fire.  He looked like he was on his thrown!  The first night was pretty rough for them.  Jeff was confused about his surroundings and would gasp for breath.  He calmed down after a few hours and Dad had prayed with him.  He then went to sleep and so did everyone else for a few hours.  The next day went very well.  He got up late morning, had something to eat and relaxed in the Lazy Boy under the tree.  He took a good nap and woke up suddenly to use the restroom.  Once he had eaten we asked him if he would like to go for a golf cart ride.  He perked right up and agreed.  We snapped this photo just before our venture….


He really enjoyed our ride, even with crazy driver Aunt Kelli!  He then went back to his thrown around the fire pit.  He was so awesome talking to Dad and us.  He kept asking if we were ok, if we were fine.  He was and always has been more concerned about the ones around them than himself.  He then was telling Aunt Kelli that he was going to close his eyes.  He said “but its ok, I want to so don’t freak out,” still the joker he always had been.  He then went to bed for another rough night.  He was up most of the night again.  Whether he wanted something to eat or had to use the restroom or just talk, they didn’t get much sleep that night either.  They finally got some rest in the early morning so they didn’t get up and out until late morning.  When they had gotten something to eat they decided to get Jeff up because they wanted to keep him up more on Saturday to get his days and nights back on the right track.  When we went in to get him out of bed he was very confused and hardly responsive.  His cousin Jimmy was able to carry him into Grandpa and Grandma’s trailer to eat and take his pills.  This is when we found out that his hearing and eyesight were completely gone.  He was quite confused when we were trying to feed him, give him his pills and something to drink.  He couldn’t hear us when we would tell him what we were doing, he spit everything out.  He then fell asleep on the inside Lazy Boy and throughout the day he would wake up and vomit. 

We decided to call his doctor to see if/what we could do.  She instructed us to take him straight to the ER.  We loaded him up and were on our way, his doctor called the ER docs ahead of time so that they were prepared for his situation.  They were able to get an IV in him and administer some pain medication to make him more comfortable.  He rested very well when they kicked in.  At this time we are keeping him as comfortable as we can until he is moved into the Hospice facility.  Our goal was to have him comfortable to get him home; this is what he really wanted.  Bringing him to the facility is the best choice for him right now because he can wake up very confused and he is REALLY strong!  We are asking for prayers for his continued comfort.  He is being very well taken care of and we just want him to be at peace and not worry.  He is such an amazing and strong man!  Thank you for your continued prayers for comfort and your support!

He is at Mercy Health in Muskegon.  At this time we are asking that visiting times be limited to 1 hour.  We have noticed that too many people and commotion seems to agitate him quite a bit more.  There are times when we really think he can see/hear us and we just don’t want anything to upset him.  Again, thank you all so very much, he needs the prayers for peace now more than ever.

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Arms That Hold The Universe

Arms That Hold The Universe - 33 Miles

  It is with a heavy yet thankful heart I give you the news we have received.  First of all, what are we thankful for?  We are thankful for all of the love and support we have been receiving, for all the thousands of prayers that have been sent for Jeff and our family.  We are thankful for our faith, without faith in God and his plans I'm not sure how some get through things like this.  We are also thankful for Jeff's strength and perspective on the whole situation.  Jeff is the strongest willed person I know and may ever know.  He truly is a great example of God's grace and love.  With that being said, I will get into the results as read by the doctors.

   Jeff and family met with Dr. Mommoser yesterday afternoon.  The answers were startling.  In the previous post I informed you they had found a new mass where his original tumor resided.  Upon further analysis they found another mass, deeper in his brain.  We were informed that surgery is not a viable or useful option at this point.  The tumor board met today to evaluate if radiation was an option or if anything else was.  Without treatment, doctors said it could be a matter of weeks to months.  With radiation, maybe an extra couple months; no longer than six.  They left the doctors office and stopped for food on the way home.  At the restaurant, Jeff had expressed that he really does not want to go through treatment anymore.  He wants to be able to enjoy the time he has left.  We wanted to make sure this was his true decision.   You see, with Jeff's condition he sometimes says things he doesn't mean or says things he does not remember.  We decided to wait until we heard back from the tumor board to get a true decision made.

   This afternoon everyone came to my house to talk things over.  On the way, Dad received a call from the board.  Turns out there are even more tumor areas than previously thought.  He said radiation was an option but it will be the hardest he has ever had with it.  His symptoms would be worse than ever.  We sat down and asked Jeff if he remembered what was discussed yesterday, he did for the most part.  Dad informed him what the tumor board had concluded and Jeff again stressed he did not want to be sick.  He simply said it was up to God.  He has a tremendous amount of strength and composure!  We support his decision 100%.  As hard as it may be for us, we want what he wants.  It seems the only thing he is really concerned about is disappointing us, we stressed several times that we stand behind his decision. 

   God must need him more than we do.  I've been thinking maybe he needs a good comedian by his side.  We all know Jeff will be great at that!  It helps knowing he is at peace.  We ask for your continued support and prayers for Jeff.  Seeing how strong and understanding he is shows just how much our prayers for his strength are being answered! 
Thank you all...
Earlier today, reading to his nephew Dylan

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Update on Jeff

We had such a great time on vacation with the family.  Living on the water was truly blissful.  Jeff did really well on the vacation.  He got a lot of good rest and he ate really well.  The first day of the trip we met at a rest area on the highway.  We said a prayer for safe travels and went on our way to get some breakfast.  When we stopped at Big Boy, Jeff started telling us about a new symptom he was having.  He was having double vision.  He could just about see 2 of everything unless he was really close to what he was looking at.  When he covered his right eye it got better.  From there we decided to get him some eye patches so he could better enjoy himself.
I would love to tell you more about our wonderful vacation but right now I need to update you on Jeff's condition.  Mom called his doctor yesterday afternoon on the way home from Kentucky to inform him about his new symptoms and the fact that Jeff had a seizure on Friday morning while we were getting the houseboat back to port.  Due to his condition, Dr. Momosser at UofM wanted Jeff to have an MRI as soon as possible.  We had a scheduled appointment on Monday, August 19 but he did not want to wait until then.  UofM and Muskegon were both booked with appointments so they were told to bring Jeff to the ER in Ann Arbor to get him in. 

Mom and Dad then headed that way from Indiana and checked in the ER at about 10pm or so.  He did not get his MRI taken until about 2am and they had the results read to them by a neurologist close to 5am.  They were informed that the MRI showed another mass growing in the spot of the original first tumor.  The tumor board needs to meet to see if they can do surgery or radiation or what their best plan of action will be.  That is all we know for now.

Jeff was able to be discharged from the hospital and they are on their way home now.  We will not know more until after the tumor board meets.  We are asking for your continued prayers for Jeff's doctors to come up with the best plan of action for Jeff.  We are believing in a miracle!  Our God is great and we ask you to believe with us!  Thank you for your continued prayers and support!  I will keep you updated as I get information!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

A Little Update

   We have had a good and busy summer thus far, hopefully you have as well!  Just over a week ago we stayed in Hesperia at our Grandparent's place for our annual "Girl's Week"  well "Girl's Week + Jeff" ;).  It was hot but we had a great time.  In fact even Jeff thought it was hot and if you know Jeff, that says a lot!  He keeps his room about 90 degrees! 

Jeff & Makayla
Owen, Jeff & Makayla @ Spanky's!

    Jeff is doing well, no real change in his condition except for his weight.  He has had a difficult time eating and sometimes keeping food down, we think a lot has to do with his Chemo treatment.  He really needs to eat better to keep his strength up, your prayers for this would be greatly appreciated!  He has been taken off of Chemo treatment until after his next MRI which is scheduled for Monday, August 19.  We are hoping that a break from the Chemo will build his strength and appetite!
   In just one week Jeff is blessing us with a vacation to Lake Cumberland, Kentucky.  We are going to a cabin for 2 nights and on a houseboat for 4 nights on the lake.  We are so excited to have this special family time!  What better way to spend it than living on the water ;)  My goal while we are on this vacation is to blog every night about our day and any special memories we have made.  I did this while we were on vacation in Disney World as a kid and when reading it, the memories come right back. It is amazing how much you can forget when it is not written down.  Hopefully we will have internet service on the lake, if not I plan on writing and adding to the blog later!

   Thank you for your continued support and prayers!  Hopefully you are all enjoying your summer!  Much Love,
The Rands

Monday, June 24, 2013

Thank You!

I am pleased to announce that the news at Jeff's appointment was good!  Thank you all for your prayers and support!  After the MRI scan he had an appointment with his doctor, they read the MRI  and concluded that areas with the tumor(s) are either unchanged or better.  There is one area they just want to keep an eye on and have the radiologist look at, nothing too concerning. At this time there is no change in his treatment.  He will continue with the chemo pills once a month and the chemo treatments e/o week.  We are thrilled with this news and want to thank you again, the power of prayer is...well...POWERFUL!  His next scan is scheduled for August 19th.  We are having a great summer and hope you all are as well!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Prayer Request

Tomorrow Jeff has his scheduled MRI for a status update.  His scan and doctor appointment following is in Ann Arbor.  We are asking for your agreement in prayer with us for another positive result.  We are believing in continued good news, that there has been no change in his tumor.  Our God is amazing and has showed us this many times over, we are so grateful for your continued support and prayers!  I will update with news on his scan when we receive them.  Please continue to pray for the best!  Thank you and much love!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


   I am so excited to report that Jeff's recent scan came back stable once again!  He had an appointment yesterday in Ann Arbor for an MRI and to meet with his doctor.  The doctor was happy to say that there was no new growth and everything looked very stable!  At this time they are not making any changes to his current treatment plan. 
   This news happened to be a great birthday present for his Dad, he turned 50 today!  More family news, Jeff is going to be an Uncle again!  His sister, Tonya and brother-in-law, Andrew are expecting a baby in October!
   Jeff is doing well, he sometimes has trouble keeping food or liquids down so prayers with that are much appreciated.  We can thank every one of you for his continued positive reports, with your support and prayers this has happened!  I am looking forward to giving you the next great report! Praise the Lord!
Jeff with his sister and a few of his cousins camping at Holland State Park as a kid!
Hannah, Tonya, Allie, Jim & Jeff
(I'll probably get yelled at for this one ;)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Results Are In...

    Praise the Lord we have another positive report to tell.  Jeff had his MRI yesterday morning in Ann Arbor.  There has been no new growth!! Our prayers have been answered again, thank you to all who have prayed in agreement with us!  Both Jeff's doctor and radiologist were very pleased with the results as well. 

    Saturday, March 9 was also Jeff's 24th birthday.  We celebrated by having a surprise birthday party for him at a restaurant.  I think he was pretty surprised, he sure seemed to be.  We had such a great time gathering for his birthday!  We are truly blessed with a wonderful, loving and supporting family!

    As of right now there is no change in his treatment plan.  He will continue the physical therapy and chemo as scheduled and have another scan in probably three months!  Thanks again for all the prayers, love and support!  Keep up the great work :)

Here are some photos from his surprise party

Sunday, March 3, 2013

2 Years and Counting!

     It has already been almost 2 years since we were informed of Jeff's brain tumor.  There have been both good and bad times in between and we are so thankful everyday to have our quirky, funny, cocky Jeff here with us!  His results of the MRI taken on January 14 were very good!  I realize now I had not yet posted this information and I apologize.  There was NO new growth and the current tumor looks to be stagnant.  Both the radiologist and his doctor were more pleased than they thought they would be with the results, our God is so Good!!  
Here are the images from his previous and his current scan...

The scans on the left are those from September and the ones on the right are from January.  Swelling has gone down and the tumor has subsided.  The tumor is the kinda white stuff...

   Currently Jeff is taking chemo pills about 5 times a month and going in for chemo every other
Friday.  He is also going to physical therapy a couple times a week just to keep him moving.  We are all definitely looking forward to the Spring so we can get out and do the outdoor stuff we love to do!  Jeff does struggle with his memory and understanding, your prayers for this would be greatly appreciated!!

  Monday, March 11 is his next scan in Ann Arbor.  We are believing for even better news!  He will go to have his scan and then an appointment with Dr. Mommoser and the radiologist after that.  We should have results early afternoon.  Bring on the good news and bring on the sunshine!!!  Thank you for your continued prayers, we have seen the miraculous work of God in Jeff!

Jeff, Andrew, Tonya, Kassie, Dylan, Justin and Makayla...Another Mexico memory!

Sunday, January 13, 2013


      It's a New Year, bringing new memories, new challenges and new beginnings.  Since our last update Jeff and his family took a wonderful trip to Mexico.  Staying in the Riviera Maya area in an all-inclusive hotel for a week.  Even Jeff's niece and nephew were able to join them.  It truly was a blessing for everyone to be there and soo many memories were created that will last forever!  Everyday we were able to enjoy special family time whether we sat at the pool or went shopping in town!
Jeff and his sister, Tonya

Jeff and his niece, Makayla

Dad, Mom, Kassie, Dylan, Justin, Jeff and Andrew

     Upon returning to "The States" we jumped back into kicking-cancer's-butt mode!  Jeff and his Mom were in Ann Arbor for 3 weeks, coming home on the weekends.  Jeff underwent radiation daily for about a half an hour.  He was not doing his strong chemo during this time, just a once a week visit in Muskegon.  They stayed in an almost apartment like room with their own kitchen.  The room was near the mall so they did not get too bored ;)

     On his last day of radiation, he had an appointment with Dr. Mommoser.  He was not himself and the Doctor had presumed he was having seizures.  They sent him to the hospital, he then stayed an extra few days to allow the doctors to adjust his medications.  The scans they took showed nothing new, therefore they knew they just had to update his meds.  Once his medications were right and the seizures had stopped for a period of time, he was able to return home.  This was all just before Christmas. 

 Silly Jeff face and Grandma Rands

     We had a wonderful Christmas!  Jeff has taken up flying toy helicopters, which he really enjoys.  He bought his Dad one for Christmas and his brother-in-law, Justin, went out and got himself a couple to join.  It is hard to believe 2013 is already here!  We are believing this will be the year Jeff will become Cancer-free, go into remission!  There is power in numbers, we ask that you believe in Jeff's healing with us!

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."  Mark 11:24       
     Tomorrow, Monday January 14, Jeff has an MRI scheduled at UofM.  This is the first scan since his radiation ended.  He had to wait at least a month since his last appointment to allow for any swelling to go down.  We should have the results of those scans by afternoon.  Those scans WILL show that the radiation has worked and the tumor has died.  This is what we are believing!  Pray with us that this will be the truth!
"If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."  John 15:7   
     When we find out the results, I will again update!  Thank you for all of your support and prayers!